*10:AM Factory is an artist-led playground where powerful ideas find creative expression. 

We believe in blending art and design to ask questions about the times we live in. We believe in creating products that reflect our world view, focus on sustainability and are impeccable throughout. 

*10:AM Factory is an artwork in and of itself. 

Through monthly drops, we offer limited- edition, high-quality textile products that redefine comfort wear. From manufacturing to marketing, we approach every process as we approach every artwork. With intention, care and a commitment to endless creativity. 

* 10:AM Factory is inclusive and fluid.

Most of our products are gender neutral. We produce locally in Turkey and ship worldwide. We are operating from New York, where we plan to direct our creative energies into creating a diverse product range – our current medium is textiles but we are open to experimenting with different materials and even projects.

*10:AM Factory is a state of mind. 

We wake up at 10:AM every day and start creating. We care about what we do to the environment, we care about stories we tell each other, we care about how we connect with our community. We are so happy to have you here with us.



The name 10:AM holds significant meaning for the brand, deeply rooted in the personal and professional journey of its founder, Secil Alkis. As the owner and creative director of 10:AM Factory, Secil brings a wealth of experience from her 16-year tenure as a gallery director in the contemporary art scenes of both Istanbul and New York. Throughout her career, she consistently began her creative process and workday at 10AM, a time that became symbolic of creativity and routine shared by many creative professionals and galleries. By naming her brand "10:AM," Secil connects with this common practice, emphasizing a routine that fosters creativity and innovation. 

The "Factory" part of the name is inspired by Andy Warhol's legendary studio, "The Factory," known for bringing together diverse artists, musicians, writers, and creatives to collaborate on groundbreaking projects. Secil envisions 10:AM Factory as a modern-day equivalent, a hub for artistic collaboration and innovation. Together, "10:AM Factory" signifies a brand dedicated to starting each day with creativity and routine, fostering a community of creative minds, and producing high-quality streetwear that stands out for its artistic expression and ethical practices. By emphasizing these elements, 10:AM Factory not only celebrates its origins but also sets the stage for future collaborations and innovative projects that reflect the brand’s unique identity and values.

About Our Founder & Designer:

Seçil Alkış is an artist and designer with a vision to bring together creatives and cultivate a sense of community around making meaningful products. Throughout her experience working as an art professional in New York and Istanbul, she sharpened her skills to lead teams of people towards a common artistic goal. 10:AM Factory is her latest project in which she aspires to collaborate with multidisciplinary artists to tell stories of our time.
